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    Mzzkc's Mind Games

    Hiya! Welcome to my inner sanctum. You'll find snacks and cookies on the left; the bathroom is on your right. Upstairs is where the scary things live. Don't go up there; I already called dibs.

    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-23-2011 at 09:55 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Fragmented Return (DILD)


      Lucid Fragment: Death
      A battle for my life, for a friend's life, against Death itself raged on outside my house. Tall, hulking, bulging grey-flesh, a thin blob of a monster, Death wasn't your typical reaper, but that didn't matter to me. I couldn't let him take her, so I fought, blasted at the monster, darted around its attacks, tearing it down bit by bit, . .

      Fragment: Chasing
      In order to escape my prison, I chased this man through the corridor, looking from behind the glass as he ran me in circles. But I had an ace in my pocket, a special ability none of them knew about: Teleportation.

      Fragment: Dragons
      After decapitating their General with a butcher knife, I took to the skies, commanding my dragons against the enemy's. At first, they were just over-sized cards, but with a little imbued magic they came to life, fighting briefly before fading back into their two dimensional prison.

      Updated 08-02-2011 at 07:52 AM by 25167

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-23-2010 at 11:09 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Familiar Places (DEILD)


      It's 1:30PM. I make a mental note of it before I start my session.

      WILD: Misfire
      A WILD puts me back in my house, though I'm far from home. Outside, several people are partaking in odd sporting activities. A young girl, for instance, is trying to playful blast her older brother with a Kamehameha. Attempting to intercept her translucent beam with my own, fiery and blue, I screw up and partially fry her head. Everybody goes back inside as things suddenly get very dark. . .

      DEILD: Creeper Teacher
      After waking, a DEILD tosses me into my room, and I'm confronted with an overbearing teacher at the foot of my bed, telling me what I can and can't do. Turns out she's a demon that wants to drag me to hell. I show her what's what, making use of my Katana and Super Strength, tying her in literal knots. After lugging her downstairs, in an effort to take her into the hot infernos, I wake.

      DEILD: Threads
      Another DEILD and I'm by my front door. I just lie there, surprised by my fortune, but something disrupts my zen moment as me and my dog, who was nuzzling me, get violently dragged across the floor. For some reason, there's a network of criss crossing strings scattered about my house, leading out the front door, where anyone can pull them. I cut the threads at their source, making note of the birthday decorations around my house's glass outer-door. It's still dark outside, so I venture into my court, touching our flag as I do. Without warning, a dark red, tricked-out car tries to run me over, but I jump on the roof and hitch a ride.

      Bored with the scene, still on the car, I start up a long range teleport and am soon thrust into a CoH club-like setting wherein I'm standing on a table, just like in the game. Reorienting myself, I discover this is a pumpkin smashing event a friend of mine is running. Not that interested, I leave, exiting into a dorm hallway. From there, I find Raven's room (because she obviously lives in this dorm), but it's occupied by a group of people playing Madden or some other football game, and I get escorted out by a half naked Aunt.

      Making my way through the building, looking for a good design on a wall or pillar to facilitate a portal, I come across my family who is on a tour of the area. Deciding to join them, we quickly end up in a place where a bunch of old Sci-Fi memorabilia is being showcased. William Shatner is there, too, and so is a “Time Machine” I could probably use to port out of there. I convince him to give us a test run of the contraption, but things go horribly, horribly wrong and Shatner is soon sprawled on the ground with several limbs missing. . .

      DEILD: Second Life
      Shatner is still here, along with C3PO, both limbless, comforting each other before their inevitable demise, as a group of “fans” looks on in awe. Reluctantly taking matters into my own hands, I heal them both with green energy, from said hands. Shatner is so overjoyed by my act of kindness that he takes me on a romp through the resort to a table where hundreds of sweets and pastries are laid out for my consumption. I spend the rest of the dream shoving as many delightful snacks into my mouth as I can muster.

      DEILD: Sharks? I'll Pass, Thanks
      The next one takes me into the back of some kinda Pizza Hut style restaurant. I break the large glass windows lining the walls to get outside, and quickly run into a blue haired girl that interests me. She's trying to avoid me, but I keep up with her using various travel powers. Noticing my abilities, as we walk along a busy boardwalk, she strikes up a conversation which is rudely interrupted by two heavy-set brothers. They have a bone to pick with me.

      I try not to fight them, I really do, but when they start to pick me up, in order to throw me into the shark infested water, I protest, utterly decimating them with my fists and feet. The final blows, which send them spiraling into the air, I follow with a large energy blast to make sure they won't bother us again. They don't, but neither do I get much time to chat with the girl. . .

      DEILD: Pocket Sized Adventures
      Pizza Hut again. Grabbing some grease laden pizza on my way out, I realize I'm in the same environment as last time. Maybe that girl is still hanging around. Exploring the green, partially industrialized, area, I eventually come across a different girl, much younger than the first, who wonders why I don't have a Pokemon adventure with my lucids. Letting her know I think it's an excellent idea, I toss out a Squirtle, my very first Pokemon.

      I contemplate doing everything from Squirtle's perspective, as I switch between his and mine, but decide against it. One of the girl's friends comes over and shows us her Fearow, which she uses to fly us all to a town hidden amongst the trees, of which I can't recall the name. Not that it matters; I wake up before we can land.

      Rubbing my temples, I look at the clock: 2:58PM.

      I need food. . .

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:13 AM by 25167

    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-27-2010 at 12:55 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ˇSingle Sentence Sizzler!®

      This Church is Flammable. Your Argument Is Invalid. (Non-lucid)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      My wife attempted to convince me, in front of a church, why I should go to Mass by reading off a pamphlet she just picked up which offered counter-points to "The Top 10 Reasons to Not Go to Church"; a counter argument to "wasting an hour of my life each week, performing bizarre cannibalistic rituals, in order to gain the affections of a bearded man in the sky" was not listed in the booklet.

      Updated 08-27-2010 at 01:01 PM by 25167

    4. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-23-2010 at 07:59 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Best Picks of The Lot (DILD)


      Dream: Tearing it Down
      There has been a recent strand of some kind of white powdery substance circulating the streets. People who take it are usually never heard from again. As it turns out, this stuff makes anyone into a demi-vampire whose uncontrollable transformation turns the unfortunate soul into a young girl (age ranging from the late teens to early twenties).

      After unwillingly becoming one of these beings, I partake in some shenanigans whilst transformed, seducing an 'important' person in my old church, only revealing my true intent once I had gotten him into his car. He ran screaming, to my delight.

      Afterwards, I'm conscripted by two true vampires and a small band of demis who reveal to me, along a tropical stone beach, the source of the white powder. Lining the ocean-side, as far as the eye can see, are oil-rig-like structures pounding the ground into a fine, magic dust and releasing pillars of smoky pollutants into the atmosphere.

      We destroy everything, sparing no one.

      Lucid Dream: Taking a Bite Out of Crime
      Ridiculous people are being ridiculous.

      Their ridiculousity triggers my lucidity, but everything is super hazy. I stabilize by grabbing something extra weird and purpley and then chomping down on it with mine mouth teeths. The rush of sensations is enough to pull me into the dream, and solidify my control.

      I'm outside on a town street. Various shops and other places of interest frame the sidewalk. Some cars pass by on the intersecting street up ahead, but the few cars on this street, including one puke-green PT Cruiser, are parked in a parallel fashion.

      Naiya shows up out of nowhere and we immediately stop a criminal using basic dream powers like TK, or something. After that, we hang out for a bit before I let myself wake up.

      Really wish I could remember more of this one. =/

      Fragments: Do You Remember That One Time At Band Camp?
      Several fragments of me seeing Naiya in what I believed to be RL, and asking her about the dream from before, go here.

      Dream: Into the Stratos!
      I have the pleasure of being pre-Shippuden Naruto and joining all the needless drama going on with Sakura. She gets upset and runs off, just before some bad dude comes and stops the squad from leaving. Sosuke tries to leave by fighting his way out, but gets put in his place quite handily.

      Switching perspectives, I'm now myself, hanging out in tall grass for gods know what reason. But no matter, it's time. . .

      Teleporting to the meeting location, I find Sakura standing there, wiping her face. I ask if she's ready to go; she nods. Taking her arm, I teleport to the next target. The kid--he couldn't be older than ten--sees me and waves. I motion to him and we all begin to run toward the ship. By now, they'd be looking for us.

      Time was short, so I decided we needed to move faster. And what's faster than teleportation? Pulling the three of us together, I instantly transport everyone to my space cruiser. We get inside, I take the controls, and we take off.

      Unfortunately, I have a lot of trouble getting the damn thing out of the atmosphere. I waste a lot of fuel, and burn out most of the ships engines, before switching to auto-pilot. At that point, I have to actually fuel the ship with my lifeforce in order to keep us all from plummeting to our deaths.

      Now well on our way, but with me on the verge of death, Sakura is kind enough to transfer some of her life energy in order to keep me alive. But not until I ask nicely.

      Dream: Adventure Time!
      Flying over Africa, I can't wait to explore the vast and exotic stretches of water below me. There were small basins, large bayous, medium sized lakes. So many environments to adventure through!

      And adventure I did.

      Dream: Beached
      Hanging out in front of the beach-front property me and my friends were planning to stay at, I wait for them to show up. . .

      Still waiting. . . . .

      Maybe I should read this sign again?

      Updated 07-23-2010 at 08:09 AM by 25167

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-13-2010 at 08:23 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Restless Night Was Restless (Non-lucid)


      Fragment: It's The Throat, I Swear
      I'm apologizing to those around me for my terrible singing. Coughing, I blame it on my sore throat.

      Fragment: Warriors For Hire
      Warriors are needed for some kind of job or task. I can't help but thinking of Raven, MoSh, Nomad, and the rest of the gang.

      Fragment: The End of the Beginning of the End that Started it All
      On a certain day, at a specific time, in a definite place, good would be pit against evil in a battle for the world's soul, or something like that. It turned out to be much more small scale than that, though.

      Dream: Horsing Around
      Enjoying a fun game of HvZ, I soon discover three prized horses have been stolen! We put the game on pause and begin tracking them down. I end up finding them in, and I quote, "One of my favorite HvZ hiding places," which turned out to be a broken down silo. Sending out a mass text, I joined the horde as we converged upon the silo, surrounding the thieves and blocking all escape routes.

      Confronting them, I use my TK to pull them and their saddles off the horses and into the water. One is a friend of my girlfriend and thinks my girlfriend is responsible for the TK antics, so I just keep letting them believe that as I screw with them some more.

      Eventually we return the horses and strap permanent saddles on them covered in nails to prevent future theft.

      Dream: New Music
      A bunch of "famous" musicians have invited me to join an experimental band they were forming. Accepting their invitation, I got to emulate playing Bass and Drums at the same time using a very odd instrument. The music we ended up producing drew elements from Indie, Metal, and Classic Rock, and actually sounded really good.

      Updated 06-14-2010 at 01:37 AM by 25167

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-13-2010 at 04:33 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Just Another Night (DILD)


      Dream: Office Shenanigans
      It's another day at the office. I'm working on changing certain security settings for specific accounts, but am distracted when a lively character comes into the office. She starts up a racing circuit of some kind that involved jumping, running, and phasing over, around, and through cubicles. She invites me to join, since there's only three racers in the circuit, but I'm hesitant to take her up on the offer.

      Dream: Bringing Down The House
      I storm into the headquarters of what seems to be a corrupt syndicate, headed by a man with silver hair. Confronting him directly, as women and guards surrounded him, I let him know I was going to bring his whole operation down. When I called him by his name, he freaked out and fled.

      He managed to get away from me in the most bizarre and surreal manner, but I knew about his most recent plan. It involved putting on a play for a local school as a front for a much larger ploy, and that was my ticket in. I go to the school and work my way further into the operation, taking out or avoiding any opposition along the way. The dream ended before I could complete my objective.

      DILD: Numbah One
      Hey, it's a dream!

      The bird wakes me up.

      DILD: Numbah Two
      That's right, this is a dream!

      The bird wakes me up. . . again.

      DILD: Numbah Three

      Oh cool, I'm dreaming! I really hope. . .

      Gorram bird. . .
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:13 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Haven't had one of these kinda updates in awhile.

      Love and War (DEILD)


      Dream: Never Gonna Give You Up
      My Girlfriend breaks up with me after seeing a girl I was teaching something to grab my hands. I try to explain the situation, but she storms off. I spend the rest of the dream trying to 'get her back', all the while slowly uncovering bits and pieces of a conspiracy that was designed to split us up.

      Fragment: Is Everything Okay?
      Raven Knight makes an appearance and seems concerned over my well being. I assure her everything is great and invite her to join whatever it was that was going on at the time.

      Fragment: Check This Out!
      I'm showing random people the room I was staying in wherein Raven was sleeping on the bed.

      DILD: Flood Waters
      I'm trying to navigate through my flooded dormitory via Hover.

      Realizing it's a dream, I exit the building through my neighbor's window and fly around a bit before waking into an FA.



      DEILD: DG Entrance Exam

      Searching for a DG, I am hailed over by a DC who refused to be ignored. Going by the name of Burnes or Burmes (he pretended to play dumb when I re-asked him) he claimed to be a DG. Trusting him for the moment, I asked him if he could train me. "What do you mean?" he asked.

      "Can you fight?" He responded with a wide, toothy, inhuman grin, boasting about his skill, using terminology I didn't quite catch. From there we begin to spar. Neither of us can get a decent hit in with our swords, and he absorbed or ignored my fairly wimpy energy blasts. Things started to get serious when I went Bankai and subsequently pulled down my Vizard mask.

      As my desire to kill and destroy grew stronger, he and the environment transformed. Him into a large muscular man with a smooth, black, oval, almost demonic, silver accented head. The environment into an apocalyptic and hellish version of my neighborhood. Immediately, he unleashed a ridiculous volley of elemental attacks into me, which just as quickly took their toll.

      Falling back to earth, I feel myself dying. But I wasn't giving in that easily. As he passed by to my right, I quickly righted myself and unleashed a powerful bolt of lightening through his heart. Shocked, he returned to normal, and before he could anything else I trapped his head in an orange tornado immobilizing him. Then I woke up.
    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:57 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Thought for sure I was in a FA.

      Saturday Morning (Note)

      "You're gonna want to not miss this."

      Intrigued, I hurriedly donned my socks and entered my suite-mates' room. Inside was my ex-roommate and his girlfriend, positioned in front of the window. The sky was dark and murky and yet the sun found a way to shine through, providing just enough light to determine it was actually daytime. "Look out there, there are people boxing."

      "Where?" I couldn't see anything from the angle I was at.

      "Well, you're not gonna-- There you go." I had moved around them to see for myself that there were, indeed, two guys duking it out in the front lawn of one of the apartment buildings. Big red gloves and everything.


      As I made my wait outside, heading toward the Commons to pick up a late breakfast, I noticed the field outside my dorm was crowded with a huge number of people. More than that, there were awnings set up along the side of the field. And half of them were in flag football gear. I RC. Nothin'.

      Approaching the Commons I notice six squares of varying sized imprinted upon the concrete pillar in front of the entrance. Four on top, two on the bottom, all aligned to the left. Surrounding the squares were patches of wet concrete that defined their edges flawlessly.

      I RC again. . . Still nothing.

      Odd way to start a Saturday.
      Tags: 1 star
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:27 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      A Typical Night (Non-lucid)


      The following summary of my night, which is fairly typical, shows you why I don't normally update on non-lucid nights.

      Dream: Funny Faces

      A friend of mine broke into a construction site, and a cameraman caught it all on camera. It was a rather funny scene actually. The next day they were looking to arrest him, but he had already gotten himself hired as the site manager.

      Dream: All hail the mighty Eye!
      There was this weird circle with a dot on it in this parking garage. It was posted all over the place with a warning message several yards away: "Warning: Symbol Becomes All Seeing Eye When No One is Paying Attention." Sure enough, it became an eye that followed my movements every time I looked away.

      What followed this revelation were shenanigans that involved me fusing with the eye and letting it see and interpret information for me. Kinda trippy.

      Dream: Computers is a Neato Major!
      A college dream that had me hanging out with a bunch of friends. The normal drama ensued. Also, pretty much everyone I knew was having trouble with two programming projects I hadn't even started yet. One of them was writing a large program entirely in assembly. I reminded them it was much easier to write it all out in C first and then convert it over.

      Then, when I was working on the assembly one in class. The President of the school comes in with a small girl who is apparently touring various universities. She starts talking about how cool a major in computers would be, but the Pres reminds her there are 3 distinct area of studies to consider, not just one.

      Dream: I'll teach you life skills.
      I was a substitute teacher for a Kindergarten class. I had to pass back papers, but I didn't know any of the kids names, so I had the assistant do that while I prepared a video. After the movie, I showed them all how to mod nerf guns. Power tools are fun kids!

      Fragment: Not again. . .
      Another fragment about discussing lucidity, but not actually getting lucid off of it. I'm pretty sure I even used powers in this one, too. . .

      Dreams: Personal dreams are personal.
      *insert 2 personal dreams here*

      Yeah. My recall is ballin'.
    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:08 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Three lucids off of one WILD.

      No Control (WILD)

      After such intense and downright cool halucinations I find myself at rest, again, in my bed. No doubt this is a dream. I RC to double check. Yeppers, definitely a dream. I get up, but everything is so hazy. I have no control over anything at all. So, what unfolds is an odd dream where I am indeed lucid, but unable to makes decisions about anything. I end up pushing a large something up and around a building or stone block of some kind. When I finish that I move down the building/block to the next something and push that around too. I do it one more time before experiencing a FA.


      Failure (DILD)

      I don't remember many details up to the point where I became lucid, but I do remember flying through Mewtwo's fortress from the first Pokemon movie. This occurred after someone asked for quotes from the movie.

      I realized I was dreaming and flew out of the fortress. I let myself fall to sea far below me. I fall slowly at first, but speed up at sporadic intervals along the way until crashing into the water, feet extended straight, arms at my sides. Down, down I go, into the depths. I see some white sharks swim below me. Not a fan of sharks, at all, I shot to the surface where DCs were there to greet me. I got up onto a plank. I knew this was dream, but I had to be sure because of the sharks. I do a RC. It fails. Now I'm really confused. I know it's a dream, for sure, so why isn't my RC working? I spend the rest of the dream on the plank trying to RC before I FA again.


      The Search For Ice: Coffee House (DILD)

      I'm in bed. RC to be sure I'm not still in the dream.

      Turns out I am. I get up and shed myself of my blanket. I fly/phase through the nearest window into a town. Now, what was I supposed to be doing in my Lucids? Oh, right, searching for Ice. I look at all the buildings for a door I can use. They're all glass, and the buildings themselves are lined with large glass windows. I decide to give it a shot anyways.

      I fly to the nearest door, but as I do I hover up a bit, putting the handle out of reach. The same things happens at the next door, so I decide to drop to the ground. I think to myself that Ice will be on the other side of this door. I open it already partly knowing what's actually inside due to the glass. Yep, it's a coffee house. I walk in and pass by the line at the counter. The guy at the front of the line looks at me and says "Hey." I just keep walking.

      Wait, I think, what if he has something interesting to say? So, I double back. And say hello to him. We walk outside and I lift myself off the ground. He shook his head and said something about me following the trend or something like that. We had an interesting discussion that I can't fully recall since I waited so long to write it down, but it partly involved him talking about an instance where his girlfriend was harmed in a dream and subsequently harmed in RL. I say something along the lines of "That's not. . . not possible." And then I experience another FA in which I become lucid for two seconds before waking up for real.
    11. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:54 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Wild count 27. . .

      Instant Transmission (WILD)

      I get out of bed. Taking in my surroundings. This isn't my dorm room. It's someplace I've never been before. I decide to try out Instant Transmission, selecting The Moon as my target destination. I close my eyes and envision myself disappearing and reappearing on The Moon. No luck, but everything does destabilize a bit. I ground myself and make my way to the front door. I go through it and come out on a porch overlooking a beach; large waves crash down upon the sand less than 100 yards away.

      To my left is Master Roshi, sitting in a wooden chair. I ask him if he can teach me IT, but he claims to not know what that is. I figure it's still early in the series and Goku hasn't even learned it himself. I close my eyes and visualize my destination once more. I shout, "Instant Transmission!" My body feels as if it disappeared for a second, but when I opened my eyes all I saw was a huge wave crashing down on the beach. I decide I'll just have some fun in the water instead. I begin my trek down to the beach, I jump down the stairs.

      And then my suitemate is a douche and wakes me and my roommate up.


      Batmobile (WILD)

      I float out of my bed. Rising up to the ceiling. Well, that was odd, I thought. Normally I don't fly right off the starting line. I didn't pay it much mind, though. Just to make sure I could mess with things, I grabbed a puzzle off the wall and threw it onto my roommate's bed, where he was still sleeping. Satisfied I made my way out into the hallway, where it was just as dark as it was in our room. As I flew down the hall I noticed a window at the end of it. Oh, look, I mused as a figure in a red hoodie came in front of the window, CBK is able to fly or something. We were on the fourth floor.

      I fly up to the window and phase through it, something that comes naturally to me now. It is CBK, but we're in a parking lot. "Oh, C---, your dream car is, in actuallity, the Batmobile!" Indeed, before me was a Batmobile that belonged to CBK. "You should show me around your dream house like we talked about before."

      "Umm, how about not?" He was with friends and seemed busy. I decided to leave him alone. Now, what should I do? I know I'll--

      And then my suitemate is a douche and wakes me and my roommate up.


      Ffffuuuuu (DEILD)

      Let's try this again. . .

      I enter the dreamworld. I decide I'm not going to waste any time. Straight to The Moon! I shoot up, phasing through the cieling, making my way up into the stratos! I'm going to make it!

      And then my suitemate is a douche and wakes me and my roommate up.
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:43 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      3 lucids and 1 semi lucid last night.
      All of them were relatively short, and not worth full entries, but I'll go over each anyways.

      Fun With Portal Guns (DILD)

      The first one was a DILD from a FA that I had after a failed WILD. I phased through the window flew around the building and decided I would work on methods of transportation. Now on a sandy area, I reach behind my back and whip out a portal gun. I point it at the ground and fire. A portal opens, to what I hope would be the moon, but I don't know for sure. I have my doubts that it will be, so I look up, locate the moon, and fire the portal gun at it. I fired the wrong portal, so I had to recreate the first portal by firing at the ground again. I jumped through it, but as I did the dream faded away.


      Fun With Portal Guns, Take Two (DILD)

      Another DILD off a FA. Instead of phasing through the window and flying down, I decided to take the front door out. I jump down the stairs in one leap. It's all very vivid and indistinguishable from waking life. Attempt number two. I take out the portal gun and fire it at the ground. I fire a bunch of shots at the moon hoping at least one will hit. I watch the portal in front of me for any change. When it does, I jump through it. I end up in a gray landscape with sandy dunes and a deep dark blue sky. I recognize it as Hueco Mundo, which is not where I want to be. I jump back through the portal, to earth. This portal gun thing was simply not working as intended. I threw it aside and shot up into the air. Good 'ol flight. That would work. Unfortunately, as I started to leave the atmosphere, the dream ended.


      Lunar Exploration (WILD)

      This one was a partially accidental VILD in which I was able to force myself onto the moon. Everything was pretty unstable, but I managed to locate Nomad's tower after a little while of flying. It was a huge, round, black tower; the only entrance I could see was located 3/4ths of the way up the tower. It was covered in a white light. I flew through it no problem, but the tower seemed to be completely empty and hollow. The only odd thing was that the light was present throughout the entire inside of the tower. It greatly obscured my vision, causing me to lose focus on my surroundings and the dream to subsequently end.


      Truce With Myself (DILD)

      A FA occurs in which i sorta kinda become lucid. I realize I'm dreaming and have an interesting conversation with a DC, who represented a part of myself, as to why I fail so hard. This conversation occurs after escaping a boat I had capsized (via Flight) because I thought flipping it over a few times with mah TK would get me to the moon. After calling a truce and accepting his challenge to play him/me on all the world's ping pong tables, I got even more distracted and had to get this weird stuff out of my teeth. It seemed like nerds on a string, or something like that. And the string was caught up in my gums, and around teeth, and the nerds were stuck behind teeth and in molars.


      Lessons Learned:

      So, what did I learn from these dreams? The moon is not a well developed archetype for me. Portal guns can only do so much. I can only fly so high. Either that was the real tower, and the defense system was just really freaking clever, or my subconscious is really freaking clever. I need to look into Instant Transmission.
    13. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:48 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      The Not So Subtle Knife (DILD)

      I've lost a lot of the details involving the leadup and aftermath of this brief brush with lucidity, so bear with me.

      I'm in a young girl's body, pants off, lounging on a roof overlooking campus. I'm halfway in the window and halfway out of it, just enjoying the view and the warm sun. The plot gets convoluted from here, as I start to interact with this mysterious race of anthropomorphic cats. As this happens, I gradually switch bodies until I'm in my own. One things leads to another, and, before I know it, I'm in a knife fight with one of them. He's got a brown wooden dagger, and I've got a steel single edged blade. We exchange blows, deflecting and blocking each strike. Something seems off about this fight. As I begin to realize I'm dreaming, a surge of confidence rushes through me.

      He slashes at me. I keep my stance, but let the blows hit, knowing he can't harm me. His blade is sharp, but all I feel are small scratches across my chest and arms. I smirk, playtime is over. I whip out a katana and start my assault. I parry his thrusts, and counter with a few solid slashes to his neck.

      My katana is dull. My slashes result only in shallow scrapes. I try to sharpen it, imagining a nearby ledge to be a rotating whetstone. Sparks fly, but the fight continues and I don't get a chance to properly sharpen it. He comes at me again. I throw my useless blade aside and initiate a grapple. Disarming him, I take his dagger, still with control of his wrists, and hack off his right arm. The knife cuts beautifully through his skin and cleanly through the bone. I do the same to his left arm, leaving him helpless and unable to fight.

      At this point, he turns into my mother, who complains that she won't be able to drive to get my brother from work now. Taken aback, I kinda just ignore it and leave the area. I feel as though I have to escape. More of those beings appear in the lumber yard, outside with me. They jump on oddly shaped logs which then turn into flying creatures they ride away on. As I look for one of my own, a rather large cat-man-thing on one of those creatures starts to barrel toward me. Behind a pile of large logs, I see my mount. When I make my way behind this pile, the being crashes into the pile of logs, sending them flying at me. I use TK to stop them from hitting me, but the force of the logs, and the force I used against them, pushes me violently against the fence behind me.

      Pissed off now, I grab one of the huge tumbling logs. Wrapping both arms around it I swing and connect with the being's creature, smashing it down into the ground. Somehow, it gets up and starts to run away. I say something along the lines of "How dare you do that in my dream!" and pursue him on foot, dashing quickly across the sodden dirt ground. Realizing I'm not going to be catching up to him, I put the huge log under one arm and try to flip over his vehicle/creature with TK. The best I manage to do is shake it up a bit, but the guy gets away.

      From there, I lost what little lucidity I had and the dream progressed into nonsensical events involving solicitors, picking my brother up from work, and my green trench coat. I kept the knife with me throughout the whole thing, though. It was a nice blade.

      I remember thinking that I wish I could keep it for use in other dreams, but w/e. I mostly wrote about this one for the fight scene.


      Random Fragments of Randomness (Non-lucid)


      Fragment: Damned Porn Sites
      I'm scanning my brother's old system for viruses. He ends up having over 250 problems/viruses that need addressing and removal.

      Fragment: Nerf War
      Something about a nerf wars group on campus that I joined that has wars with other groups at all times, everywhere.

      Fragment: Accidents Happen
      I pulled over where I had my accident because something else was happening there. I don't remember what though. Prolly another accident.

      Fragment: High Ground
      I took the high ground to get where I was going. Supposedly it was more dangerous. I'm not sure why, or where I was even going for that matter.

      Fragment: Action Movies
      I watched some really bad action movies with friends from the previously mentioned group.
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:45 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Game Night (Non-lucid)


      Good night for dreaming, bad night for recall.

      Fragmented Dream: Crappy Wizards

      I'm in a Gauntlet/D&D style RPG with some friends. I'm playing the wizard. I had joined in midway through, as we were going about, slaughtering these creatures and gaining XP, we eventually reached a checkpoint. Everyone got an XP bonus and most of my friends were now level 5 or 6. They were all offered class upgrades, but I was stuck as a crappy level 3 wizard that could only use a bow and magic potions. The detail was nice though. The only reason I remember this one was because of the bleakness and beauty of the environment.

      Fragment: Gaming with the Ex
      In another game this time around, similar, but different. My Ex is playing with us, but she has to leave halfway through a mission due to some prior obligations.

      Fragment: Hammer Away
      I'm hitting this girl with SSB hammers for reasons I can't recall. She's having a good time, but she never goes flying from any one hit, which frustrates me.
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:37 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      But, Officer, I'm Telling You The Truth! (Non-lucid)

      I go into the grocery store to pick up a pack of gum I bought a few days ago. Security thinks I'm shoplifting and take me to see the manager. I'm unable to produce a valid receipt, and I'm completely broke, so in order to pay for it he gives me a job.

      This was the most interesting thing that happened, which is really sad. I had something resembling a lucid at the beginning of the night. It was an amazing experience, but I'm not entirely sure it was a dream, so I don't want to count it as such. . .
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